WAP-4 VTA 22919

Repaint By Avinash

This repaint was released by ELKP.

To install WAP-4 VTA 22919 in Trainz Simulator Android, you can follow these steps:-

  1. Purchase the WAP-P5 locomotive from the owner.
  2. Extract the contents of the downloaded loco file to a folder on your android phone using the Z-Archiver app.
  3. To ensure proper working of the given model, download the dependency folder given with it.
  4. The loco is password protected, so to get the password, click on the password button given along with the locomotive.
  5. Then cut/copy the loco file along with the dependency.
  6. Then navigate it to Android > Data > com.n3vgames > Files > User Data > Original.
  7. Create a New Hash / paste it in a existing hash folder.
  8. Then delete the ‘assests.tdx’ file from user data panel.
  9. Also delete another ‘assests.tdx’ file from Files > Trainz Resources > Prebuilt.
  10. Remove the game from the recent tabs & clear cache.
  11. To ensure the loco is downloaded properly open game & go to rail yard.
  12. Scroll through the list to find out the newly downloaded locomotive.
  13. If the loco is visible then enjoy it using in your routes.

If the locomotive is not visible, then follow these steps:-

  1. After ensuring that the downloaded locomotive is not visible, close the game & remove it from the recent tabs.
  2. Open Z-Archiver. Check the hash where you have pasted the loco.
  3. Case-1:- If it’s still there then there’s a possibility of missing dependency.
  4. In that case ensure that you have installed the dependency folder correctly.
  5. Check again using the above steps.
  6. If still it is not working then download the “All In 1 Dependency” folder given in the website.
  7. Check again in the game following the above steps.
  8. Case-2:- If the loco file is missing from the hash where you pasted it, then there’s a possibility that already a locomotive exists with the same kuid number.
  9. To solve the problem follow the steps. Download “Quick Edit” app.
  10. Once again extract the loco to the hash folder along with the dependency.
  11. Then open the locomotive file. Open the ‘config.txt’ file given in it through the Quick Edit app.
  12. Search for the kuid number. Change 1-2 digits of the existing number out of your choice. 
  13. Save it. Delete the ‘assets.tdx’ file once again & open the game.
  14. Your problem will be solved. If not then repeat the steps few more times.
  15. You can now enjoy the loco in your game.
  16. If you’re still facing problems, then contact us through the given contacts.


  • HD Textures
  • Dual Tone Horn
  • Engine Sound
  • Wheel Animation
  • Interior View
  • Increased Acceleration
  • Enhanced Specifications
  • Non-Animated LX3600 Pantograph
  • Light Animation
  • Non Shine Bogies
  • Perfectly Aligned Bogies

Price:- 150/-

No Discount Or Refund

Read The "Author" File Given With The Locomotive Before Installation

You Are Not Allowed To Use This Add-On In Public Activity Releases. If You Want To Release Then Contact Us First.

For Password Fill The Form. Wait For Admins To Give You Password Through G-Mail Or Direct Message.

Do Not Upload The Add-On On Your Youtube Channel With Separate Download Link. If Found Then Serious Legal Action Will Be Taken Against You.

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