Made By Deepak

The route & activity were released by uniquetrainZ.

To install Avadh Assam Act in Trainz Simulator Android, follow these steps:-

  1. Download the Avadh Assam Activity file from the darKnights website for free.
  2. Extract the contents of the downloaded activity file to a folder on your android phone using the Z-Archiver app.
  3. To ensure proper working of the given activity, download the objects & train-set folder given with it.
  4. If an activity is password protected, then click on the password button given along with the route.
  5. Then cut/copy the activity file along with the objects.
  6. Then navigate it to Android > Data > com.n3vgames > Files> User Data > Original.
  7. Create a New Hash / paste it in a existing hash folder.
  8. Then delete the ‘assests.tdx’ file from user data panel.
  9. Also delete another ‘assests.tdx’ file from Files > Trainz Resources > Prebuilt.
  10. Remove the game from the recent tabs & clear cache.
  11. To ensure the activity is downloaded properly open game & go to route section. 
  12. Scroll through the list to find out the newly downloaded route.
  13. Click on drive. Your activity will start.
  14. If the route is visible then enjoy it using your add-ons.

If the activity is not working, then follow these steps:-

  1. After ensuring that the downloaded activity is not working, close the game & remove it from the recent tabs.
  2. Open Z-Archiver. Check the hash where you have pasted the route file.
  3. Case-1:- If it’s still there then there’s a possibility of missing objects & train-set. In that case ensure that you have installed the objects & train-set folder correctly. Check again using the above steps.
  4. You can now enjoy the activity in your game. If you’re still facing problems, then contact us through the given contacts.

Features Of This Activity

  • Off-Link WDP-4D ERS Ironman 
  • Parallel Races
  • 20+ Crossings
  • 2 Overtakes
  • Real Time Crossings

For Any Queries Or Help Regarding The Activity Kindly Contact Deepak Through The Below Given Social Medias

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